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Healing comes from within

Home: Welcome
healing of body, mind, soul


You reconciliation with your forgotten memories paved the way for healing. sadness, anger, distrust, loneliness, disappointment, fear or anxiety are recirculating through your memories. Release these emotions with the support of INDRIYA .As stated in Upanishad-"LET'S MAKE THE PRESENT LIFE MORE PEACEFUL"
Moreover, we assure you to give lifetime guidance and support. You can always reach out to us whenever you want to though Email or Whatsapp.



Past Life Regression is a pscho-therapeutic tool which works deeper on physical , emotional, mental and spiritual level by recovering the past life memories. It is based on the philosophy that we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. As eternal beings, we experience physical life on earth in a series of human bodies. On a spirit level, we choose each life as a means of learning the lessons we have decided for ourselves.

What are the problems that PLRT can deal with?

PLR Therapy can provides us the solution for anxiety attacks, chronic pain that have no known origin, depression, fears, inexplicable phobias, negative thoughts of attitudes or any kind of unexplainable psychosomatic issues.
Moreover, it’s not always about uncovering past traumas—sometimes, you’re shown happiness in a previous life which can be inspiring and help you remember how to live a good life today. Seeing how you shined in a past life, can remind you of your worth and power.

What if I stuck in my past life?

Very unlikely, since you are not going to a past life, you will only reexperience the past life memories. Throughout the session you will be completely aware and whenever you want you can open your eyes and return to fully alert state.

How effective the therapy is?

PLRT works at the broader aspect of healing through which the person understands his karmic pattern. The karma resulted in the emotional baggage that blocks the natural healing of mind. PLRT eradicates the emotional and energy blockages which often leads to physical and mental diseases.  Dr. Brian Weiss , famous psychiatrist in his work, ' Many lives ,Many Masters writes, " As we become aware of our spiritual nature, we recognize our true essence . We are immortal and divine." He further adds that ," It is a well established psychotherapeutic technique that works. It is something to be experienced rather than intellectually questioning and only through which the therapy's full potential can be measured ". If we look back to our ancient scriptures such as Yoga Sutra , Patanjali Maharishi  mentioned about 'Prati- Prasav' which is actually the process of past life regression that heals the present day problems. After the complete session , the person gradually recognizes the freedom to create more love , happiness and fulfilment of life as they understand the value of life as an unique individual. The layers of trauma or the blockages are removed one by one through sessions so that the person receives better health , greater control over emotions, over body and ultimate destiny.

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